Former NPR CEO Travels Through Trump Country; Realizes He Didn’t Understand Trump Voters

Liberals learned a lot of tough lessons in 2016. Scratch that.  The American people sent a lot of very clear messages to the liberal left. Voters in flyover states and places that liberals in the media never spend time in were sick and tired of being called racist simply for believing in conservative policies.

A secure border is not racist.

Believing that men and women should use different bathrooms is not bigoted.

Christians don’t hate gay people just because they believe in the Bible.

And so on.

From Townhall:

A former NPR CEO decided to take a year off from work to surround himself with conservatives, Trump supporters, and Evangelical christians – groups he admittedly only “knew through Jerry Falwell and the movie Foot Loose.” In turn, he found a group of people deeply engaged in caring for others, a justifiable dissatisfaction for the mainstream media, and even developed a sense of appreciation for guns.

Yeah. You read that right.

A liberal actually stepped out of the bubble and acknowledged how brainwashed he was.

The opening paragraph of the piece is stunning.

From New York Post:

Most reporters and editors are liberal — a now dated Pew Research Center poll found that liberals outnumber conservatives in the media by some 5 to 1, and that comports with my own anecdotal experience at National Public Radio. When you are liberal, and everyone else around you is as well, it is easy to fall into groupthink on what stories are important, what sources are legitimate and what the narrative of the day will be.

That seems like a simple admission. But how often do you hear liberals actually say that out loud?  I almost never do.

That wasn’t the only admission.

I eventually joined up with a family from Georgia. The group included the grandfather, Paps, and the father, CJ, but it was young Isaac, all of 8 years old, who took on the task of tutoring me in the ways of the hunt. He did a fine job, but we encountered few pigs (and killed none) in our morning walkabout. In the afternoon, with the Georgians heading home, I linked up with a group of friends from Houston who belied the demographic stereotyping of the hunt; collectively we were the equivalent of a bad bar joke: a Hispanic ex-soldier, a young black family man, a Serbian immigrant and a Jew from DC.

None of my new hunting partners fit the lazy caricature of the angry NRA member. Rather, they saw guns as both a shared sport and as a necessary means to protect their families during uncertain times. In truth, the only one who was even modestly angry was me, and that only had to do with my terrible ineptness as a hunter. In the end though, I did bag a pig, or at least my new friends were willing to award me a kill, so that we could all glory together in the fraternity of the hunt.

How about that?

As a person who has been to roughly 40 states and lived in 3 on different sides of the country, I know exactly what this guy is experiencing. He is realizing that his idea of the world simply doesn’t exist the way he thinks it does.

Here’s one more excerpt.

At one point during my research, I discovered a video of a would-be robber entering a Houston smoke shop, his purpose conveyed by the pistol that he leveled at the store clerk. But the robber was not the only armed person in the store. The security cameras show Raleigh, the store clerk, walking out from behind the counter, calmly raising his own gun and firing an accurate stream of bullets at the hapless robber. The wounded robber stumbles out, falls over the curb and eventually ends up under arrest.

It is not just the defensive gun use that makes the video remarkable — it is Raleigh himself who evidences such a nonchalance that he never bothers to put down the cigarette that he is smoking. At the end, Raleigh, having protected his store, enthuses “Castle Doctrine, baby” — citing a law that allows a person to use force to defend a legally occupied place.

It is an amazing story, though far from unique, but you simply won’t find many like it in mainstream media (I found it on Reddit).

It’s not that media is suppressing stories intentionally. It’s that these stories don’t reflect their interests and beliefs.

It’s why my new friends in Youngstown, Ohio, and Pikeville, Ky., see media as hopelessly disconnected from their lives, and it is how the media has opened the door to charges of bias.

You can just tell that this guy had no idea what the 2nd Amendment means for people outside of Manhattan and Los Angeles.

I give Ken a lot of credit.

It takes courage to understand when you’re wrong.

It would be great to see more liberals understand that conservatives are not bad people. They just disagree on a few policies.

Democrats need to stop alienating hard working and decent Americans who disagree with them by calling them Nazis.

It just doesn’t really seem like the majority of Democrats understand that.