Media Refusing to Reveal What Happened at Costco on Black Friday — Liberal Narrative Eviscerated

Democrats believe they’re helping the American people by taking away their rights, namely, guns.

And yet, bad guys still manage to obtain firearms even in the most gun controlled cities in the nation – and across the world.

When a man at Costco pulled out his weapon on Black Friday, a good guy with a gun was there to shoot him down.

Again, the Second Amendment saves lives.

From BizPac Review:

Shoppers at a Costco outside of Kansas City owe their lives to an off-duty police officer.

An unidentified man wielding a firearm walked into the Lenexa, Kansas store shortly after 11am on Sunday, Fox 4 Kansas City reported.


Ryan Vacca, an employee at the Costco photo center and an eye-witness to the incident, said the assailant entered the store suddenly.

“I was looking at the computer screen, and then I heard some commotion happening around me,” he told Fox4. “I turned and looked at the front door and saw a guy walking in – just kind of yelling and screaming”


An unnamed, off-duty police officer was at the same store — and he happened to be carrying his gun.

More from Fox 4 KC:

“He was just shopping,” said Capt. Borchers. “He was just shopping, and he happened to be there while all this occurred. And you know, thankfully, he was.”

But despite the masses of panicked people packed in the parking lot, there were still some inside. Nikki Lotia was one of them.

“I saw the crowd running, and it said ‘run at the back, run at the back!’ So I started running,” she said. “Instead of running with the crowd towards the back, I went towards the pharmacy area.”


“It was very scary,” she said. “That 45 minutes of my life. All of the time I was thinking, ‘this might be my last day.'”

This Thanksgiving weekend, she is very grateful to be home with her family, and for that unnamed off-duty officer shopping at Costco.

“He was there right in time,” she said, “and he saved everyone, and he saved my life. I’m thankful for him.”


Police said no one else was injured. Some shoppers at the store when the shooting happened had to be treated for mild ailments such as panic attacks.

The Kansas City, Kansas Police Department confirmed later Sunday that the officer was one of theirs. The officer’s identity has not yet been released.

The suspect’s identity has not yet been released.

More on the Supreme Court slow-playing a Second Amendment challenge, per Conservative Review:

Under our current erroneous system, Supreme Court precedent is more powerful than God, certainly much more than any other branch of government. But that’s only true when SCOTUS decides to nullify the Constitution and natural law. When the Supreme Court decides to recognize the plain meaning of the Constitution in a particular case, then precedent means nothing, and states and lower federal courts are free to violate it with impunity.

That was essentially the message from the Supreme Court yesterday when it refused to grant an appeal of yet another lower court ruling that violated its Heller decision. This proves, once again, that the Supreme Court is a one-way street and a dead end on the Constitution. We will lose our country to judicial supremacy that is destroying the states and preventing the federal government from following the Constitution. It appears that not even the SCOTUS will rein in states that violate the most foundational portions of the Bill of Rights.


With this ruling, the Supreme Court telegraphed the message to the radical district and circuit courts that the Second Amendment and the inherent right to self-defense are not really rights and that the Heller decision was a joke.

Unlike red states that obsequiously follow the letter of every lawless court decision, blue states immediately began pushing back against Heller. They maintained or expanded both anti-carry laws and bans on AR-15-style rifles and all handgun magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds. And unlike conservative lower court judges, liberal ones are willing to push back against Supreme Court decisions. Almost every circuit has upheld these state laws. Yet the Supreme Court has consistently declined to grant certiorari to gun-rights organizations appealing the decisions.

[Note: This post was written by John S. Roberts]